Saturday March 15. 2025

Examples of Our Retrofit Projects

Retrofits-Distribution Branch Circuit Panelboard
This is a panel, originally manufactured by W.A. Benjamin Electric Company in 1922, that served reliably for 80 years in an auditorium of an elementary school in Los Angeles. It was retrofitted, utilizing the existing panel enclosure, with a new interior and door/trim in 2002 so . . . . . . .

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Retrofits-Distribution Panel
Our extensive experience has been culminated by the introduction of the free-standing distribution switchboard retrofit where the existing switchboard section is effectively gutted and the new interior, self-supporting with perfectly aligned front plates, is installed onto the existing enclosure. . . . . . . .

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Retrofits-Medium Voltage Oil Fuse Cutouts
This is another example of a design created to meet a growing need. There is an abundance of antiquated oil-fused cutout switches in service that are environmentally and electrically ineffective as power distribution elements. Our client asked us for a solution . . . . . . .

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Retrofits-Switchgear (420 S. Grand Ave, Second Floor)
We manufacture a complete line of low voltage power distribution switchboards featuring bolt-on circuit breakers, fusible switch units and motor controls . . . . .

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